
How To Change The Battery In A Relic Watch

Mastering the basics of care and repair is necessary for spotter lovers. Sometimes, you lot will salve tens of dollars if you lot can complete these tasks at home.

If you have had mechanical ones, replacing the battery is a maintenance pace you volition need to practise periodically. However, push cells besides come in many dissimilar types and sizes. How do you find the most suitable ane?

A watch battery replacement sizes nautical chart could assist! This will show you as detailed as possible to choose 1. But, where can you lot find it? Go on reading to know more!

What Is The Button Prison cell In Watches?

Button Cell In Watches

Have you ever wondered what the watch bombardment looks like? This is quite curious because the item is small in size, so its battery must also exist different from mutual batteries.

Instead of using long cylindrical batteries like those for Tv set remotes or other electronic devices, push button cells are smaller and have a apartment, rounded shape.

This type of battery typically has a bore between 0.197 and 0.984 in and a height that falls between 0.039 and 0.236 in. It is also because of this shape that people oftentimes call it a button cell or coin prison cell.

Typically, this type of battery can provide between one and 5 volts. It can work well for one year if used under normal conditions and properly stored. The materials commonly used to brand them are argent, Alkali metal, zinc-air, lithium, and so on.

Button cells have low discharge and long storage capacity, so they won't fall into complete discharging fifty-fifty if you don't use them for a long fourth dimension. In add-on to watches, this battery is also used for pocket-size electronic devices such as pocket computers.

Due to this small size, it is extremely dangerous for children. It tin lead to severe burns inside the intestines and tum or fifty-fifty death if swallowed.

Practise All Watches Use the Aforementioned Battery?

The reply is NO.

Many people often assume that all models use the same battery. If that's the case, choosing a battery for a watch is no longer difficult!

Only, of course, things won't exist that easy. This is understandable because the manufacturing process, texture, and design of the models are dissimilar.

First, consider the issue of size. In that location are over 10 different sentinel confront sizes you can cull from. And patently, the smallest size one cannot share the same battery with the largest size watch confront.

Even with the same bore size, the thickness of the batteries can be different. Information technology will be selected to fit the thickness of the face.

In example you hold two batteries of the aforementioned size and thickness, it is impossible to confirm that they are the same. Every bit mentioned above, many materials are used to make batteries, and chemic reactions can occur if the right type of battery is not selected with the material of the spotter.

This is not very mutual, merely some countries have standard regulations on the type of battery used, similar the United States. Every bit a consequence, some models require replacement batteries if sold in these countries.

Watch Battery Replacement Sizes Nautical chart

Blazon Of Picket Battery

What types of button cells are the nigh common? Contrary to what people volition presume that all watches utilise the aforementioned bombardment, push cells are much more than that.

The batteries are made with an interior consisting of chemicals. These substances will create certain chemic reactions to create energy, and the battery prison cell transmits this free energy to the picket's engine to piece of work smoothly.

This same element also classifies push jail cell types. Based on the main ingredients, it is divided into the post-obit common categories:

  • Silver-oxide batteries: This is the almost common type and is frequently used for watches, cameras, calculators, etc. This type is capable of maintaining voltage stability gradually during utilise.
  • Alkali metal: If you are looking for a battery for children's toys, Alkaline batteries are suitable. Its price is also relatively much cheaper than other types.
  • Lithium tin final for ten years earlier the chemicals inside run out. This one costs more than others because it tin can work well in a wider temperature range than other types.
  • Zinc-air: Zinc-air is often used in tests or experiments because it has a brusque life and dries quickly afterwards a few weeks.

Mercury-oxide: The current it generates is relatively stable. However, information technology is not popular because it is banned in some regions and countries.

How To Determine Bombardment Size For Your Watch

Is there a way to find the right battery size for your watch at home? Based on the nearly common watch battery size, yous tin practise a few things to determine the almost suitable button batteries.

Determine Battery Size For Your Watch
  • Stride 1: Read the pin code in the back. Near items volition note the pivot code on the back to make it easier to cull a replacement button cell.
  • Step 2: If yous can't find the data on the back, expect up the user manual that came with your item when you bought it, it will have detailed information on this ane.
  • Footstep 3: Accept you lot lost the user manual? Search for more information on the make's website or any review posts.
  • Step 4: If all of the above methods practise not apply, the final way is to remove the dorsum of it and see the type of battery within. This method is recommended only for experienced workers.

Battery Size Chart

For a more general overview of it, you tin can take a look at the watch bombardment sizes chart below. This table is for reference only and provides you lot with an overview of them

Blazon Size (Inches) Diameter x height Size (Millimeters) Diameter x height Voltage (Five) Bombardment Codes
Silver Oxide 0.457 x 0.213 xi.six x v.4 1.55 357, SR44,  SR44W, D357, J, SB-S9, V357, 228
Silverish Oxide 0.457 10 0.165 11.6 x iv.ii 1.55 386, V386, SR43W, D386, H, 260, 280-41, SR43,
Silver Oxide 0.457 x 0.120 eleven.6 x 3.05 1.55 389, SB-B8, SR1130W, D389, M, SB-BU, V389, 626, 280-15, SR54
Argent Oxide 0.457 ten 0.081 11.half dozen x ii.05 1.55 391, SR55, SR1120W, L, V391, D391, 609, 280-xxx,  SB-BS
Silverish Oxide 0.457 x 0.065 xi.6 ten ane.65 ane.55 365, V365, SR1116W, ZA
Silver Oxide 0.374 x 0.142 9.5 ten three.six 1.55 380, SR936W, 280-74, V380, SR45
Silver Oxide 0.374 x 0.107 9.v 10 ii.73 1.55 399, SR927W, V399, D399, W, 613, SR57, SB-BP
Silver Oxide 0.374 x 0.081 9.5 ten 2.05 1.55 370, SR920W, D370, ZA, V370, 620, SB-BN, SR69
Silver Oxide 0.374 x 0.065 9.5 x 1.65 one.55 372, SR916W, D372, V372, 280-61
Silver Oxide 0.311 x 0.142 7.nine x 1.55 392, SR41W, D392, 1000, V392, 247B, SB-B1, SR41
Silverish Oxide 0.311 ten 0.102 7.9 ten 2.6 1.55 396, SR726W, D396, 5, V396, 612, SB-BL, SR59
Argent Oxide 0.311 10 0.083 7.9 10 2.1 1.55 361, SR721W, D361, X, V361, SB-BK, SR58
Silver Oxide 0.311 ten 0.065 7.nine x 1.65 one.55 SR716W
Argent Oxide 0.268 10 0.102 6.8 x ii.6 i.55 376, SR626W, MA, V376, 619, SB-BW, 280-72, SR66
Silver Oxide 0.268 x 0.085 6.8 ten 2.15 1.55 SR621W, SR60, SR60
Argent Oxide 0.457 ten 0.213 11.half dozen ten 5.4 i.55 303, SR44SW, D303, A, V303, SB-A9, SR44
Silver Oxide 0.457 10 0.165 11.six x iv.2 1.55 301, SR43SW, D301, D, V301, 226, SB-A8, 280-01, SR43
Silver Oxide 0.457 ten 0.142 11.6 x iii.half dozen 1.55 344, SR1136SW, D344, V344, 242, SR42
Argent Oxide 0.457 x 0.120 11.6 x 3.05 ane.55 390, SR1130SW, D390, V390, 603, SB-AU, 280-24, SR54
Silverish Oxide 0.457 x 0.081 eleven.6 10 2.05 1.55 381, SR1120SW, D381, V381, 317, SB-AS, 280-27, SR55
Silver Oxide 0.457 x 0.065 11.six x 1.65 1.55 366, SR1116SW, D366, V366, 608, 280-46
Silvery Oxide 0.374 x 0.142 9.5 x 3.6 one.55 394, SR936SW, D394, LA, V394, 625, AB-A4, 280-17, SR45
Argent Oxide 0.374 x 0.107 ix.five x two.73 ane.55 395, SR927SW, D395, V395, 610, AB-AP, 280-48, SR57
Silver Oxide 0.374 10 0.081 9.5 10 two.05 ane.55 371, SR920SW, D371, V371, 605, SB-AN, 280-31, SR69
Silver Oxide 0.374 x 0.057 9.5 10 1.45 1.55 SR914SW, 280-76
Argent Oxide 0.374 x 0.065 9.5 x 1.65 1.55 373, SR916SW, D373, WA, V373, 617, SB-AJ, 280-45, SR68
Silverish Oxide 0.311 x 0.142 seven.nine x 3.6 one.55 384, SR41SW, D384, V384, 247, SB-A1, 280-eighteen, SR41
Silver Oxide 0.311 ten 0.122 7.9 x 3.1 ane.55 329, SR731SW, D329, V329
Silver Oxide 0.311 ten 0.102 7.nine x 2.half dozen 1.55 397, SR726SW, D397, North, V397, 607, SB-AL, 280-28, SR59
Argent Oxide 0.311 ten 0.083 vii.9 x 2.1 1.55 362, SR721SW, D362, S, V362, 601, SB-AK, 280-29, SR58
Silver Oxide 0.311 x 0.066 7.nine x 1.68 one.55 315, SR716SW, D315, HA, V315, 614, SB-AT, 280-56, SR67
Silver Oxide 0.311 x 0.051 7.ix 10 1.29 i.55 346, SR712SW, V346, 628, SB-AH, 280-66
Silver Oxide 0.268 x 0.102 half-dozen.8 10 ii.6 1.55 377, SR626SW, D377, BA, V377, 606, AB-AW, 280-39, SR66
Silverish Oxide 0.268 10 0.085 6.8 x two.15 1.55 364, SR621SW, D364, T, V364, 602, AB-AG, 280-34, SR60
Silverish Oxide 0.268 10 0.065 vi.viii 10 1.65 i.55 321, SR616SW, D321, DA, V321, 611, AB-AF, 280-73, SR65
Silver Oxide 0.228 x 0.106 v.8 ten 2.7 1.55 319, SR527SW, D319, V319, 615, AB-AE, 280-60, SR64
Silver Oxide 0.228 x 0.085 five.eight ten 2.15 1.55 379, SR521SW, D379, JA, V379, 618, SB-AC, 280-59, SR63
Silver Oxide 0.228 ten 0.065 5.8 x ane.65 1.55 317, SR516SW, D317, CA, V317, 616, SB-AR, 280-58, SR62
Argent Oxide 0.228 x 0.049 5.viii x 1.25 1.55 355, SR512SW, V355, 622, SB-AB, 280-68
Argent Oxide 0.189 10 0.085 4.8 ten ii.15 1.55 348, SR421SW, V348, AB-A6, 280-77
Silver Oxide 0.189 x 0.065 4.8 x 1.65 1.55 337, SR416SW, V337, 623, AB-A5, 280-75
Silver Oxide 0.457 x 0.213 11.half dozen ten v.four 1.55 EPX76, SR44(G13), VEPX76, SR44
Silver Oxide 0.457 10 0.165 11.6 x iv.2 i.55 386, SR43(G12), V386, SR43
Silver Oxide 0.457 x 0.120 11.six 10 3.05 1.55 389, SR1130, V389, SR54
Silver Oxide 0.457 x 0.081 11.6 x two.05 1.55 391, SR1120, V391, SR55
Silver Oxide 0.311 x 0.142 vii.9 10 1.55 392, SR41, V392, SR41
Lithium 0.787 x 0.126 20.0 x 3.2 3.0 ECR2032, CR2032, DL2032, CR2032, CR2032, SB-T51
Lithium 0.787 ten 0.098 xx.0 x 2.five three.0 ECR2025, CR2025, DL2025, CR2025, CR2025, SB-T14, 280-205
Lithium 0.787 x 0.063 20.0 x 1.six 3.0 ECR2016, CR2016, DL2016, CR2016, CR2016, SB-T11, 280-206
Lithium 0.630 x 0.126 16.0 x iii.2 3.0 ECR1632, CR1632, DL1632, CR1632, CR1632
Lithium 0.630 x 0.079 sixteen.0 x 2.0 3.0 ECR1620, CR1620, DL1620, CR1620, CR1620, SB-T17, 280-208
Lithium 0.630 ten 0.063 xvi.0 ten 1.6 3.0 ECR1616, CR1616, DL1616, CR1616, CR1616, 280-209
Lithium 0.492 x 0.079 12.5 x 2.0 3.0 ECR1220, CR1220, DL1220, CR1220, CR1220, SB-T13
Lithium 0.492 x 0.063 12.5 x i.6 iii.0 ECR1216, CR1216, DL1216, CR1216, CR1216

How To Replace The Lookout man Bombardment

To assess the difficulty level, replacing a mechanical battery jail cell is one of the easiest tasks to perform. It only takes a short time, about v to 10 minutes, and you tin do it.

During the battery replacement procedure, you can also have advantage of the time to make clean the machines within to clear the grit and make them work more smoothly.

Now, jump into the step-past-stride guidelines to know-how!

What You Demand To Prepare

Replace The Watch Battery  tool

Before embarking on a push cell replacement, prepare some of the following tools to brand the process quick and uninterrupted:

  • New money bombardment
  • Screwdrivers
  • Glue tack
  • Coin
  • Zip pocket
  • Tweezer
  • Make clean, dry out fabric, castor

You may exist wondering why you need tweezers? Removing the battery seems quite easy, fifty-fifty if its size is small; however, we cannot confirm this when inserting information technology.

Tweezers will go extremely useful in this case. With extremely small batteries, information technology will be easier to put them in the right place when using tweezers.

Step-by-pace Guideline

Step i: Remove The Back Panel

Screw-on back

The first thing you need to exercise is disassemble the dorsum of the watch. However, it is important to make up one's mind your scout's back design. Below are instructions for the most common types.

  • Spiral-downwardly (screw-off) dorsum: This design may initially feel a bit confusing. Because it doesn't have any hints on how to remove it.

You tin also use a thumb tack or glue tack. Prepare a piece big enough based on your watch size. They can be hands found in craft stores.

Stick the task to the dorsum of the clock. Don't forget to knead so that the mixture is soft and mucilaginous. Using this aforementioned tack, plough the panel counterclockwise. Continue until you get it out of the scout.

  • Screw-on back: Screw-on dorsum is different from basic, and information technology is quite popular with models that accept been around for some fourth dimension. With this type of back, you have to have a screwdriver of the correct size.

Information technology will unremarkably have 3 or iv screws; all yous need to exercise is remove them. Don't forget to store these screws in a small-scale aught bag or somewhere safe to ensure you won't lose them. Open the panel and go to the next step.

  • Snap-on dorsum: With the snap-on back, y'all'll need to find a pocket-sized pigsty or dent on the back of the lookout face. This indent is designed so that y'all tin easily remove this panel. If you tin't discover the hole, clean the backside as dirt may take covered information technology.

Once you've plant it, you'll need a sharp tool like a screwdriver or a knife to pry it open. This tool is used equally a lever, and yous won't demand too much force.

  • Swatch back: The Swatch dorsum will likewise have a recess on the back, but that's unlike from the snap-on one. You can imagine it like a modest round lid, and the top has a big and quite deep indentation.

With this type, yous tin apply a coin or a apartment screwdriver with a large edge to open up information technology. Place it on the slot and rotate information technology slightly counterclockwise until opening the back.

Step two: Accept Out The Back Gasket

Take Out The Back Gasket

The rubber gasket will non appear on all watches and if yours does, remove it before replacing the coin bombardment. You can use a screwdriver to remove information technology, only be careful to do it gently to avert breaking or tearing it.

It's simply a thin rubber pad that sits between the back of the movement and the internals. It has the role of preventing clay and strange particles from inbound the inside of the watch and, at the same time, balancing the internal pressure level.

Pace 3: Remove The One-time Battery

Remove The Old Battery

Now you can come across the inner motility and battery surface. Simply don't rush! Keep in listen the mode the battery is placed inside to ensure you put a new one back in the right place.

Over again, check the internals of the auto. Make sure you choose the right type of battery to avoid the watch non working or damaging.

Some models will have a battery holder; just use a screwdriver to elevator your bombardment slightly. In instance yous have trouble getting the battery, try tweezers.

Afterward removing the battery, employ a clean cloth to wipe away clay in the battery slot. This helps extend the bombardment life and ensures contact for it to work smoothly.

Step four: Replace With The New Ane

Based on the watch battery replacement chart, y'all accept had a new suitable bombardment. Commencement to Install it according to the position you observed when you opened the back.

Try to place it, then it fits in and does not wobble. For pocket-sized batteries, it's easier to use tweezers to consummate this step.

Step 5: Check To Ensure Your Spotter Is Working Well

Flip the watch face over and see whether the easily are working. If non, you lot may have installed it wrong and repositioned information technology. If you have replaced many batteries merely your item nevertheless doesn't work, it's advisable to bring it to the store for further inspection.

Step 6: Reassemble The Sentinel Back

Dandy, your item is upwards and running! Gather the back in the reverse order of when you lot removed information technology.

How To Modify A Watch Bombardment – Picket and Acquire

Signs That Your Watch Battery Needs Replacing

Your Scout Stopped

During normal use, your item dies, and the easily stop working. At that place are two chief causes of this condition: battery problem or moment error.

If it comes from the battery, it'south like shooting fish in a barrel to fix. Nearly of the time, after replacing information technology with a new bombardment, the clocks volition run smoothly.

On the other manus, moment fault becomes relatively complicated. The lookout man will have dozens of small details with intricate gears and transmissions. Equally a novice, your but manner is to bring information technology to the service store.

Obviously, in any case, a professional watchmaker's help is always the best bet. Taking your watch apart at habitation to bank check it out can cost you more than money than ownership a new 1.

Watch Can't Keep Correct Time

The second most common symptom is the time difference. If your watch runs faster or slower than the correct fourth dimension, it's time to double-check. Quartz watches are often appreciated for their extremely high accuracy. Therefore, even if information technology is only a few minutes from reality, this is a sign of instability.

The virtually common crusade is nonetheless the battery trouble. Alternatively, information technology may come from dry gears or demand to be balanced. When seeing this situation, many people often take the habit of adjusting the fourth dimension and then using it again. However, when you lot have fallen into this situation, the longer you leave it, the more damaged the lookout man will be. So it'south best to fix it as soon as possible.

The Moisture Inside The Case

There are cases where the lookout still works as usual and runs on time, just under the face, there is a layer of fog on the drinking glass. This indicates that the clock easily are also about to stop or tin can no longer proceed the correct time.

Even a small corporeality of moisture can cause parts to corrode. Virtually of the sentinel's internals are metal; if this liquid is chemical, information technology will destroy your detail faster.

The safe gaskets do non work well or take been corrupted, leading to moisture entering the inside of the watch. And information technology requires disassembly to replace the new mattress. If yous are short on time, endeavour to warm the back of the watch to help the steam evaporate faster, then bring it to the service center quickly.

Trouble In Adjusting Date Or Time

With the blueprint of a regular watch, the spotter crown is connected to the internals to allow you to accommodate the hands. If you observe that the crown is somewhat loose or unbalanced, in that location is something wrong with the inside.

This situation will often happen when batteries are almost empty or of poor quality. And of course, like the above cases, it can too come up from the internal mechanism. The fastest way, as y'all know, is to seek help from experts.

The 2nd Hand Jumps (or is Frozen)

Some models have a low bombardment warning mechanism, especially older models. This signal is the 2d hand jumping from 2 to 5 seconds, instead of jumping every i second.

This can exist frustrating, and it's worth noting. Because with a alert, you tin can change the battery in fourth dimension. It helps forbid the battery from completely draining and starting to leak, affecting the internal movement.

Pay Attention To The Spotter Battery LifeTime

Theoretically, the bombardment should have an average lifespan of 18 and 36 months. This is the average fourth dimension you use it. If you have a battery to reserve and not employ, its life will concluding between i and five years. Some more than advanced batteries can last up to 10 years.

However, this is just an average and is for reference only. Considering the life of a battery used for a lookout will be afflicted by many factors:

  • Battery materials: Each material volition have a stock-still constructive lifetime and react to dissimilar environmental weather condition.
  • Historic period: The older the watch, the faster the bombardment drain. Some of its parts and mechanism were unable to operate efficiently, requiring more free energy.
  • Scout features: various functions such as alarm, appointment indicator, led light, etc., will cause the scout to drain the battery 20 to 40% more.

Usage and maintenance: If y'all let your lookout be constantly soaked in water or corroded by solutions, battery replacements will need to be done more often.

How Long Should My Picket Battery Concluding?

How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Sentry Battery?

If you lot modify the watch battery yourself at dwelling, the price volition be quite cheap and economic considering the part of the price you have to pay the most is for a new battery.

Just search for information technology on Amazon; you can discover button cells for a few dozen cents to more than than 15 dollars for a battery. This is a relatively large difference; why?

Size, quality, brand, etc., are the factors that determine the cost of the product. It would be better if you cull some items that price more than than 2 dollars to ensure the quality.

For those who do non take much feel, you tin can refer to the products of some reputable brands like DURACELL, SKOANBE, Panasonics, to proper noun a few.

What Happens If I Don't Change My Scout Battery?

This data is for reference only; you do non need to verify it! Either way, remember to change the battery periodically or when information technology'southward wearied.

  • Suspension the provisions of the watch warranty: If you look carefully, you will notice that the manufacturers require the sentinel to be taken to a service center for bombardment replacement and maintenance. Some brands will not be responsible if the watch is damaged because the battery is not replaced or the official shop does not do the replacement.
  • Degrade performance: Some watches, afterward being stalled for a while, will not be able to operate smoothly after being restarted. Information technology could be a trouble of the internal mechanism breaking down after a period of reanimation.
  • Warp the back: Bulging batteries are 1 of the most mutual bug with watches. It comes from poor quality products or improper use.
  • Lead to the explosion: Some batteries can explode when exposed to excessive estrus. In this case, it will not merely cause impairment to your watch just as well affect your health.


The spotter bombardment replacement sizes nautical chart and all that yous have read to a higher place are the nigh bones and of import data for every picket lover. Expectedly, this mail is understandable for you to utilise in choosing the most suitable one or fifty-fifty replacing the button cell yourself at abode.

To choose the right battery for your sentry, pay attention to the battery type (based on the chemistry inside) and its size. This is essential to maintain your watch and its stable operation.

Any the problem, our advice is to bring your sentinel to the service center. Inspection and support from experts or skilled jewelers will reduce possible risks.


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